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Wednesday 4 January 2017

Nationalism and its relation with nation

The whole concept of nationalism revolves around the two things i.e. one people and one country.It is a sentiment as well as an ideology.It was basically a western concept but it did not confined only to the western countries but it has its impact on some of the eastern countries like India.Before showing relationship between the two ,one must know about nation.Nation is actually a spiritual concept in which people unite on the basis of cultural oneness.The elements of nation are not defined so at the outset ,nation must be seen different from nationalism.
Arnest Laclau,inhis book,-"Politics And Ideology In Marxist Theory" argued that nation is neither progressive nor regressive ,it is only based on how we use the nation in various context.For example-same nation in hand of Mao in China lead to socialist discourse while the same nation in the hands of Hitler in Germany lead to a fascist discourse .

It is said that nationalism comes first and nation followed it in the eastern part but in western part nation comes first and then comes nationalism.Nationalism has always been important than nation;it is politics which creates a nation.

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