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Saturday 14 July 2018

Youth:Trustees of posterity

Youth:Trustees of posterity
As per United Nation report ,50% of the population in India is below the age of 25 years .In a country having such composition, with young and energetic brains, need special attention in order to extract greatest innovation out of these minds.India is also the youngest country of the world . In order to make the optimum use of youth energy ,government must focus on them and make the education system compatible for them and affordable too,so that they to gain their education.Government must ensure that no one should be deprived of education just because they could not afford its cost. Though we have provision of elementary education for children of the age of 14 years but still we are not able to bring maximum children under the umbrella of education. Apart from these the condition of higher education is also not satisfactory as only 2.5% of youth are able to get the higher education in college  and universities and one of the the reason can be that education commission recommended 6% of the national income be allotted as government expenditure on education but now it lies between 1 to 2% we are considering youth as the backbone of the country but we are not giving proper education and training to youth so that they can stand for their country and act as the backbone .And one Prime problem that arises with such a bad condition of Higher Education is that there arises the case of drain of brain from India to other countries. If we think practically when the most talented brains will dissappear  from the country then how will the country progress, and the progress of a country can be measured by accounting the number of educated and talented  youth there in country. So in order to make youth the Trustee of posterity government must take necessary steps and work in a direction of making youth more educated and empowered and then only the youth will polish their talent and give their best effort in order to make the Grand progress in the country.

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