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Thursday 24 August 2017

How To Enrich Your Mental Abilities

How To Enrich Your Mental Abilities
  • Fact: The average person develops only 10% of his latent mental abilities.
we are able to base our estimate of what we can or cannot do on the lessons of our past experience.This attitude is strengthened by the idea that our intelligence quotient is an unalterable factor.A simple example will demonstrate, however that ability is less dependent on intelligence than on development of specific power through practice.
A supremely intelligent person may be a poor artist for the simple reason that he never practiced at drawing even simple sketches.The same is true for mental ability.Our mind is subject to the same law of inertia that govern the rest of the universe i.e. a body tends to be static until force is applied.
                                                               The most difficult task for a person is to think ,people usually don't engage their mind in thinking process as it need focus of mind at one place.People often talk that thoughts automatically comes to their mind but actually it is not the case .We ourself raise  thoughts but we are not conscious about it.Since our actions are mostly the result of our thoughts that we process in mind. So ,if we can control our thought we can easily push our mind towards enrichment.
Keen observation,memory and imagination are the basic ingredients of mental ability.It is necessary to observe accurately by means of the senses; to be able to store up the knowledge in the creation of new ideas.Sight and hearing are vitally important essences as far as mental ability is concerned and our ultimate control over our body and mind would tend to increase our mental ability effectively.
Last but not least the common saying -"Practice makes the man perfect " will navigate your mind toward excellency.Image result for brain ideas pic

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