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Monday 7 August 2017


While the global average for women in the parliament stands at 22.4% and the position of India is at the 103rd out of 140 countries with a mere 11%  representation.Within Asia ,India is at 13th position out of 18 countries.Countries like South Sudan ,Saudi  Arabia have better representation in parliament than India.

We often talk about women's representation in various fields  in order to empower them but their representation in elected bodies ,Lok Sabha and state legislative assemblies is a source of  huge disappointment .The count of women MLAs across all state assemblies in India is even worse,with the national average being a pitiable 9% but the states like Bihar,Rajasthan and Haryana have quite better representation of 14% in contrast of worst representation of  states like Pondicherry and Nagaland which have no women MLAs at all.

The issue of women’s representation in elected bodies and Council of Ministers came to the forefront yet again  in the year 2015, with the formation of the new Government( Aam Aadmi Party) in Delhi. The Aam Aadmi Party government led by Arvind Kejriwal, while taking many steps forward, took a step backward. And a very important one. He failed to induct women into his cabinet. This, once again, brought forth the age-old debate of inadequacy of women in our elected bodies and whether there should be constitutional and legal safeguards for women in Parliament and state assemblies. The third- tier of elected bodies, the Panchayats, have already implemented 33% reservation for women. Apart from the fact that half the population is systemically excluded from political participation, representation and decision-making, what do the numbers tell us about women’s representation in Lok Sabha over the years?

                                                                                   The above data shows that there is a great need to look into the participation of women in political processes,if the Government  really want to empower women then it should increase the participation  of women in the political processes as well as other areas.


  1. this is a result of our social arrangment.
    our society is ready for female leadership.
    peolple are talking about gendre equality but not practices.
    it is also a issue of vote bank.
    As marx said that philosophers only interpret social problem.
    you are fit in this statment .
    please elucidate solution of this problem.

  2. even though we have provision for 33%
    of total seats reserved in lok sabha but no.of women in lok sabha is not upto the mark.
    The possible solution may be that:
    1.women should come forward and take active part in political arena.
    2. Though practically,gender equality is not possible but society must maintain good male and female proportion.
    3.women's political consciousness may help upto to an extent.

  3. Almost every topics of such kind is used for vote bank politics.
