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Tuesday 21 November 2017

Surrogacy At The Cost Of Emotion

Surrogacy At The Cost Of Emotion 
A newly born baby  doesn't come in this world alone, but she is associated with many emotional,social and cultural aspects.There is no measure of happiness when a baby born to a couple and also there is no measure of pain when there is no child born.
The emotional implication is that whole family becomes happy  for that it makes someone mother ,father, grandmother, grandfather so on,social implication is that a lady has become mother and it proves that she is not sterile and she is safe form the taunt of being infertile ,and cultural implication is that a child will maintain the family-tree or heredity.

But when a couple doesn't have child then they go for surrogacy in order to get rid of the stigma of being childless.They waste a lot money in getting child . Many country has put legal restriction on it but in India it is prevailing in the name of goodness and altruism.
                                              But such kind of process involve the suppression of motherhood emotions ,there can be several reason but mostly women do to get away from the condition of poverty that they face.The intended parents pay a great amount of money to the surrogate . But, now a days it is not prevailing in the name of altruism but it has become a business platform,many commercial surrogacy centers has been opened. 
Government should keep a regular check on such institutions and find out ways that such process should not be commercialized  and also try to pave ways so women don't engage themselves because of some  money .

Monday 13 November 2017

Student and Politics:A Complementary Relation

Youth and Politics:A Complementary Relation
We live in a democratic country which has struggle of debate as a intrinsic part of it and all the policy-makers are chosen by the majority of its population and India has youth as its major part of its population ,so we can imagine their role in the politics of the country. The close relation of youth and politics in India can be traced back from the times of freedom struggle and their commendable role on their part is appreciable.
 Now a days in contemporary era it is issue of debate that -'Should youth take part in politics or they should confine them with their academics only'? 
One supporting argument can be that if youth will not take part in politics then how can they be made aware of their political rights and it is always said that youth are the backbone of a country ,if they will not be part of politics  then we might not be able to save our country with weak backbone .Since study confined to 'classroom and books' will make good academician but not great leaders.
Another argument comes up that universities are running on the sacrosanct money  paid by tax-payers and they it should be used for the academic progress of the students not in their issue less politics .
Concerning both the argument and leaning to the first argument in my opinion it  will be good if youth take part in politics as they will get to know the politics of country and raise their  voice in making good to the governance of a country and if youth will be politically enlightened they will choose leaders who can take the country to a high and more democratic level.
So youth should and must take part in politics.

Sunday 12 November 2017


A very heart touching song of Jagjit singh:
Ye daulat bhi le lo, ye shohrat bhi le lo
Bhale cheen lo mujhse meri jawaani
Magar mujhko lauta do bachchpan ka saawan
Wo kagaz ki kashti wo barish ka pani.

This song has meaning that almost everyone of us have ejoyed once in our childhood days.Some common acts of childhood like everyone have ever made paper boat and put it in water and chased back to that boat,waiting for the rain and storm in the last period of the school days and getting chance to go home in rain,tries to make rubber out of pencil peels by putting it in boiling milk but never succeeded,trying to make bow and arrow with bamboo stick and competing whose arrow goes high,etc....It may seem nonsense today but these cheerfulcollection will be the part of stuffs which will make you laugh in your old days.

But it is sad on the part of coming generation they may or may not be able to enjoy such glimpse of childhood as the days goes latest technology like smartphones., tablet video games, social network activenes has hacked the innocent minds and parents too don't have much time for their child to look after them.But there is a great need to inculcate and transfer our culture in them so that in the race of modernity also they will be conscious about their glorious culture and make endeavour to preserve it.

Saturday 11 November 2017


The statement 'personal is political ' emphasises that personal problems are political problems . It underscored the connection between  the personal experience and larger social and political structure.This phrase has been described as a defining characterisation of Second Wave feminism,radical feminism,womens studies or feminism in general.
The connection between women's personal problem experience and their subordination as women is highlighted by this phrase . Feminists want that all the private or social matter should be made the topic of political debate and analysis.
Feminists argued that the work done by them in household  is not added in the national income of the country and they are not allowed to take part in public matters such as army ,politics etc..Radical feminists argued that womens discontent is not the neurotic lament of the maladjusted, but a response to a social structure in which women are systematicallydominated,exploited and oppressed.If  one of the ideas behind the famous 1960 statement 'the personal is political is to suggest that how we conduct ourself in our private lives can affect structure of power in society at large , the reverse is also true.
The political/social/cultural system  in which we live affect , if not determine the kinds of relationship we have with other people.Hence, all problems will be resolved if all the matters of personal is made political with equal womens participation in it.


The endeavour made for 'clean india ' act as the steeping stone towards the Swachh Bharat campaign launched by the government of India .However, onus for making india clean should not be confined to the governmental ambit but it must be inculcated in every citizens of the country ,starting from first citizen to the last. The objective of swachh Bharat are to reduce or eliminate open defecation through the construction of individual, cluster and community toilet .Since the launch of 'Swatchh Bharat Mission (SBM)';sanitation coverage in india has gone up from 41% to 62%,the number of people defecating in open in the rural india has come down from about 550 million to about 350 million .Unlike earlier sanitation programes ,SBM is not a toilet construction program ,bur a behavioural change  mass movement .It is relatively easy to built a road ,bridge  or an airport.but trying to change human behaviour is complex .
As movies are considered to be the reflection of of society through which we can spread message to mass .A movie named 'Toilet Ek Prem Katha'has beautifully spread a message of making toilets in homes .The dialogue which capture the mind of layman is -"BIWI PAAS CHAHIYE TO GHAR MW SANDASS CHAHIYE".
                                              At an individual level one can creat awareness about the use of toilets , instead of defecating in outside .Through various short movies people mindset can be changed .So small effort of large people can create a huge change.