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Saturday 11 November 2017


The statement 'personal is political ' emphasises that personal problems are political problems . It underscored the connection between  the personal experience and larger social and political structure.This phrase has been described as a defining characterisation of Second Wave feminism,radical feminism,womens studies or feminism in general.
The connection between women's personal problem experience and their subordination as women is highlighted by this phrase . Feminists want that all the private or social matter should be made the topic of political debate and analysis.
Feminists argued that the work done by them in household  is not added in the national income of the country and they are not allowed to take part in public matters such as army ,politics etc..Radical feminists argued that womens discontent is not the neurotic lament of the maladjusted, but a response to a social structure in which women are systematicallydominated,exploited and oppressed.If  one of the ideas behind the famous 1960 statement 'the personal is political is to suggest that how we conduct ourself in our private lives can affect structure of power in society at large , the reverse is also true.
The political/social/cultural system  in which we live affect , if not determine the kinds of relationship we have with other people.Hence, all problems will be resolved if all the matters of personal is made political with equal womens participation in it.

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